Wednesday, May 25, 2011

"Sunsetty Auras"

People always have a motive. (Wait! I've heard that before.) Why else do people hang out with you? Think about it! I'm not saying it's always negative, but there is always something they're after. After hanging out with an amazing man the past little while we've discussed this. All I want is to be happy. I hang out with the (minimal) people I hang out with because they're pretty much always happy. I don't like negativity, it's just a horrible feeling. Reminds me of the girl from Baby Mama who can ready peoples Aura's, "It's sunsetty, kinda like a sunset." Those are the people I like to be around. Like I always say, "Just be happy and remember that going through life isn't an option. If you're going to do it anyways, just smile and bare it, rather than make everyone else's lives miserable." 

Smile, it's all only temporary. =) 

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