God loves me.
God loves you. (Whether you believe in God or not, is not the matter. I know God loves everyone; more than you or I could ever even understand.)
Putting God aside, now. (This (tiny, but important) rant comes from people using the bible to justify helping people.)
People ARE people.
People ARE to BE respected.
People ARE to BE loved.
My Declaration to the world:
I will
stand up for the rights of others. EVERY person. EVERY right. EVERY life. This
unconditional love is what I offer to humanity. I know a lot of people who
stand with me. My dream is that everyone may be able to stand together, and
accept everyone for who they are. By using our communication skills, we may be
able to understand everyone's truth. By using our love and kindness, we can
assist every person who appears in need and who does not appear in need. Too
many people cannot handle living; they turn to unmentionable acts. So, love one
another. Then that same person you were a confidant to will then be in your
shoes one day. This person will love you the way you loved them. Some will ask
how to take on this new way of living, thinking and learning. This question is
not a difficult one to answer. Stop judging, stop hating, and love. Life is way
too short to do anything else. I promise to love, to listen, and to spread more
happiness then sadness.
Always remember you are beautiful. Spread the word of love, because I don't want my children to grow up in a world full of hate.
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