Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hello my name is . . . HIPSTER

Since I'm hipster and posted this on Facebook, please know why . . . I never knew about Kony, but I knew about the LRA. I knew about child abductions, I knew about children soldiers, I knew about little girls being sex slaves. I knew all of these things not only in Uganda, but in the rest of the world. Raising awareness through a video/documentary/youtube clip is completely acceptable, in my opinion. How else are people going to know what is out there? (Maybe read a book, I recommend "Half the Sky". If it weren't for me being in the College of Social Work, I admit, I probably wouldn't know about any of it. I'm blessed to have my education behind me, and it's refreshing to meet people who knew about all of these things without an education.

Now, when it comes to the aspect of money, one of my colleagues is from Haiti and was talking about how America came in to provide aid to the people of Haiti, and the people who needed it most didn't get it because there was nobody to hold anyone accountable. I believe that is what will happen with this movement if money actually goes to Uganda. We are also being very western, with out western lense. Let's go in and fix it! No, let's partner with the people of Uganda and see what they believe their challenges are first, and work together as a team. We as American's are no better than developing countries, because in reality we are still a developing country. 

My dream is that we can all live in peace and harmony, if that is following the crowd, I'm alright with it. LOVE will prevail. 

So, if this makes me a hipster, I'll wear the name proudly. :)

P.S. I do believe in the people of the world, and power in numbers. Change is possible, with the right steps and actions. 

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