Monday, April 25, 2011

The Reason For Your Tears Aren't Worth Crying

I love being happy. <3
I love being positive.
I love being me.

Sometimes though it's cloudy . . . really cloudy in my life and I don't know why. Today there is a HUGE thunder storm going on, and it seems like my life right now. My life as a whole is in the hole. I need someone else to give me the optimism to keep going. I've dished it out a ton lately but seem to have not gotten any. Though, you'd never know it because I don't tell everyone. Just people who read my blog, lucky you! < 3

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I believe . . .

I believe in humanity.
 Like Gandhi said, "You must not loose faith in humanity. Humanity is an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty."

I believe in love
"To me true love is the sweetest thing in life. That's why we're all either in love or looking for love. Sometimes you have to work for it - especially when life gets in the way - but I believe true, deep love is always worth fighting for." 

I believe in peace.
Martin Luther King Jr.
Elanor Roosevelt
Mahatma Gandhi 
Albert Einstein
Rosa Parks
Mother Teresa
Nelson Mandela
Elie Wiesel
Jimmy Carter
" Be the CHANGE you want to see in the world"

I don't know where I go when I die. Nor do I care, honestly. What matters is what I do on this planet, how I treat others. Treat them with dignity, respect, and love. Treat every person like the human that they are.

Love is something more than romance. Love is something every human needs. We all want and need to be loved. I have so many people who love me but until you truly love yourself I don't think you've truly lived. 

My dream: peace. To obtain peace would be magical to me. I like simple things. Peace is simple. You just have to be willing to fight for it.

Without humanity you can't have love and without love you can't have peace. It's a circle, a circle that makes me cry and smile all in one. I don't want to have children because of this place. It's bad, it's hard enough on me why put my children through it? If I can be promised they will never be hurt, I will have them. Until then I'll leave the baby making up to all of you.

"When the power of love, overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace."
-Jimi Hendrix 

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Love until your heart stops.

A few tad-bits.

A freaking spider went into my new tennis shoes . . . my reebok tone-ups. Oh my goodness, you should have seen me!!! I was freaking out at 11:45 at night about a miniature spider in my shoe, that I wasn't even wearing or attempting to wear. I kicked that shoe across the room. No spider. I kicked that shoe across the room again. No spider. So I kicked it back and forth super fast. (I bet I burned dang near 1 million calories kicking that shoe) Still, no spider. So I picked it up and banged it so hard on the ground, harder and harder with every hit. Still no spider. I hope I killed it, but I still don't dare put on those shoes.

Do you ever just bust out in song? I totally did in the sauna today, bad idea. Super hot guy walks in, music is up so loud I didn't even realize he walked in. Embarrassing . . . Another thing about the gym, CLEAN your equipment. PLEASE!?! It's not that hard.

Now a rant about boys. Oh man, we could be here a while. Really!
you suck. that's all. (:

love life. <3

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Why Not Blog About It?

What a journey! It's taken me since about July to loose 80.8 pounds. You know people can tell other people all they want what they think of them but when it comes down to it, does it matter? No. What about when a doctor tells someone they need to lose weight? Yes. Doctors have this crazy thing with people where their credentials really come into factor on these kind of things. To tell a 19 year old they're going to be diabetic if they don't kick it into a gear is a huge thing. I cried for nights and days and more nights and days about it. Do I still eat sugar? Yes. Should I? No. Will I continue to eat it? You betcha! 

People who try and loose this kind of weight overnight are insane I tell you. I mean are you crazy? So you're going to eat lettuce for the rest of eternity to maintain it? Lies. I don't believe a single person who says all they eat are fruits and vegetables. You never run to get ice cream at 9:30 PM? Will you put it on your mother's grave? Everyone has those urges and cravings. My lord people I wasn't born yesterday. 

Anyways, I can't wait to dabble into this and I think it will start getting fun . . . I am quite the crazy person and I have a lot of crazy stories I keep inside this brain of mine I think you deserve for me to share it with you.