Tuesday, December 17, 2013

PROTEST for Fictitious DUI(s)

On Thursday, December 19th, 2013 I will stand in solidarity with my boyfriend's mother, sister, and any other human rights activists willing to stand in support of unlawful DUI's, and in particular my boyfriend's. We are not standing there to shame ALL West Jordan Police or to say they are ALL are corrupt, or at fault. We are simply standing there to say, we will not go away, until these bogus DUI's cease to continue.

If you aren't doing anything, and would like to join with us in protest before his hearing on December 19th, 2013 please do so. If you can stay for the hearing as well, he would love any additional support. 

Below are photos, videos, and links for additional information. Also, at the protest we will have the documents supporting our cause. Proof of NO alcohol, and NO illegal drugs in his blood work. Also, the witness' statement, along with the police reports. His mother also has and ongoing petition you can sign online, or at the protest on Thursday.








Watch this video - Victoria explaining why we are out protesting:

Until I can upload the video of Victoria victoriously delivering the petition this morning, here is the link to it: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10152111026216967&set=o.600666959994944&type=2&theater

Thank you for your time!

Kasandra Atkinson

The LINK to the protest's Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/600666959994944/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming

The LINK to the online petition - additional names will be taken to the Governor daily: http://petitions.moveon.org/sign/utah-judge-kunzs-court-1.fb40?source=c.fb.ty&r_by=2084158


  1. I have swollen feet from standing in the cold. I can say one thing about my son cited with a DUI. He like me, will NOT initiate any problems for anyone, but he even goes further to immediately forgive and forget. I too will forgive now, but I demand accountability. Even if takes the rest of my lifetime to get retribution for my son, I will continue to demand justice until it is met. I did not carry my son to be a punchbag for police. Errors planted on his records must be corrected as soon as it is possible.

    1. I applaud you, Victoria. You're an amazing woman! :)
