As I grew up, I was told I was fat. Did I see it? No. As I grew up, I grew out of my fat phase, and into a beautiful young woman. My junior year I was in a terrible car accident, in a coma, in a vegetative state. I was told I would never walk, talk, or get the education I had fought so hard to get. First I was in a wheelchair, I then began to use crutches, then a walker, then I was full on walking. First I was using a feeding tube, then thickener, then whole food. I wasn't able to hit the gym for quite a while. I began "overly" not-taking-my-life-for-granted, eating whatever, whenever, however much I wanted.
I began to lose weight, for the wrong reasons. For society, for boyfriends, for friends, for "that" attention. This past year has been one of the hardest, it was the year I realized that I was fat. I could see it, for the first time. I could never see how fat I was, whether it was denial, I don't know. But, when I looked in the mirror I saw my 150 pound self, until this year. This year I saw the 300 pounds. This year I saw someone I knew I wasn't. But, I began having problems with my back. Most people probably think the back problems are because I'm fat, but really it's my SI joints, from my accident. Sure, the added weight isn't helpful, but it's not because I'm fat.
So, here I sit, writing this blog. Putting it out for the world to see (the ten people that follow it.) I began being fit, I had lost 75 pounds, and looked great. I was reaching my fitness goals, then bam, life came down. But, I'm ready (and my doctors say I'm ready) to start again. I am going to be crawling to the door, to the car, to the gym, to the equipment at the gym, etc. for a while. But, this time it is for me. Not for society, not for my family, not for boys, or anyone. I want to be fit. I will be fit.
After seeing this image, and the description it makes me angry. Our society is fucked up. I can only hope that people really explain to their daughters (and sons) the importance of a balanced DIET, then they will never diet. Also, the importance of balanced exercise. I never want anyone to feel the ways I have felt over body image. It's damaging not only to ones physical health, but to ones mental health as well.

If Barbie was an actual woman, she would be 5’9” tall, have a 39” bust, an 18” waist, 33” hips and a size 3 shoe.
• Barbie calls this a “full figure” and likes her weight at 110 lbs.
• At 5’9” tall and weighing 110 lbs, Barbie would have a BMI of 16.24 and fit the weight criteria for anorexia. She likely would not menstruate.
• If Barbie was a real woman, she’d have to walk on all fours due to her proportions.
• Slumber Party Barbie was introduced in 1965 and came with a bathroom scale permanently set at 110 lbs with a book entitled “How to Lose Weight” with directions inside stating simply “Don’t eat.”
• Barbie calls this a “full figure” and likes her weight at 110 lbs.
• At 5’9” tall and weighing 110 lbs, Barbie would have a BMI of 16.24 and fit the weight criteria for anorexia. She likely would not menstruate.
• If Barbie was a real woman, she’d have to walk on all fours due to her proportions.
• Slumber Party Barbie was introduced in 1965 and came with a bathroom scale permanently set at 110 lbs with a book entitled “How to Lose Weight” with directions inside stating simply “Don’t eat.”
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