Monday, July 23, 2012


" In your case, dying isn't the best revenge."

So, I love Grey's Anatomy if  people hadn't figured that out. I follow the series, and I am currently watching the series from the beginning of Season I. As I was watching Season II  this above quote was said. As I listened, as I thought, and contemplated I thought - as my life continues, I often wonder if dying wouldn't make my life easier. Not a suicide type of dying, but just a random death. Random thoughts like, why didn't I die back in 2007? Why didn't I die when I went under again in 2010, why didn't I die in the other three car accidents I have been in? Why haven't I just peacefully fallen in a constant sleep while sleeping? I don't know if it is just me, or if these are more common thoughts by the populace. 

As the show continued I, and as my day has continued I have thought more about the quote and realized dying isn't the best revenge toward life. The best revenge is to live it, and live it well, with dignity, with my head held high. With love, and compassion for my fellow human beings, and animals. 

Life is beautiful, and I am going to live it the way God would intend me to live it. Happily, fulfilling the people and animal's lives on this planet which are in need of me, my abilities, my skills and my life. 


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