Sunday, July 10, 2011

The way things used to be . . .

I've been dating this guy for what has only been a month but seem more like eternity. You know when you're little or I should say in middle school and you have a crush on who seems to be the perfect guy for you, etc? You know how you didn't think, Oh am I going to marry him? Or, Am I going to have kids with this guy? You didn't care about anything except how your hair and makeup looked? Why can't I go back to that? Every guy I've date these past 2 years have all had that potential to be my husband. I'm tired of looking at it this way but I just can't help it. The guy I'm dating told me I'm taking things too quickly. My views on it are if you want me to have sex with you, you at least have to meet my family first. Come on! I'm a virgin and am proud of this fact; I don't know many anymore except for certain Mormon friends. I'm waiting for the right guy . . . Am I wrong in wanting him to meet my family though? I know this is a public forum and it's like a "diary" and I shouldn't put my stuff of blast but come on, we're all adults and can handle this kind of talk. Suggestions? Guidance? I'd love it. Oh, but none of this . . . "Hold on to it" "Don't let anyone take it from you" Cause really, that's why I still have it, I'm not stupid! :)

1 comment:

  1. I don't think there's ANYTHING wrong with that! Just because movies and the media portray sex as a natural part of even early relationships doesn't mean that's the case. I think giving sex is like giving a part of your heart. It's not just an every day occurrence. So yes, if you're going to give a part of your heart to this guy, he should at least see where the other parts of your heart lie.... AKA your family. Love you!
