Friday, November 22, 2013

The day I quit . . .

As a young adult, I have experimented with alcohol. I'm sorry, but if you tell a human NOT to do something, they're more than likely going to do it. Like when you tell a young child not to touch the stove, it's 'hot', the child has to touch the stove to find out for his/her self . . .  or else they'll never learn. I think, this example holds true to many other aspects of life.

Today I am thankful for the will power my Heavenly Father has given me. It has been a true two month sobriety for myself. That's right, two months. I am not here to brag or boast, nor am I here to applaud myself. 

I in no way, shape, or form think a drink once in a while is a bad thing. Really, I don't. But, when you're using it to cope, when you're using it to numb, or when you use it and you change as a person ( as a whole) I think that is where the issue rises. 

Why did I stop? Well, I could see it being an issue in my future. I wanted a well-rounded life. I didn't want to sit in depression with everything that has gone on in the past month and drink my sorrows away. 

All I can say is that I am proud that I put the adult beverages down, saw that now was not the time, nor the place for such beverages. I am glad that I have the knowledge that drinking does no good for the body, mind, heart and/or soul. 

Love one another :) 

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