Sunday, October 27, 2013

Keep Calm and Fight Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

I have heard J.T. referred to as John far too much the past few weeks. John is my great-grandfather's name, my grandfather's name, my uncle's name, and my brother's name. But, J.T. doesn't go by John. Typically we correct people on his name, but it's hard for doctors with all their patients, to call someone by their nickname. After a week of them being around at Primary Children's Hospital, they soon all called him J.T. 

J.T. has been my rock, although he may not know this, because I've never told him (that I can remember). He is the reason I am the person that I am. Granted, those that helped raise me, my friends, my past, and present experiences, etc. have a lot to do with why I am the way I am, HE is the biggest reason. I am a Social Worker because of him, I am a Program Director working with people with disabilities because of him. I am wanting to do Special Education because of him. EVEN though he wants nothing to do with the SPED. he is my reason. 

God sends us special people. I have seen him change people, just by them knowing of him. He is an inspiration to all the lives he has touched. J.T. is the reason so many of us in the family have patience (HEY! Imagine the patience some of the adults had before he came along ;)). It is the reason so many of us in the family have a deeper relationship with God, and Jesus Christ. It is the reason so many of us have a deeper love for football. It is the reason so many of us have more grey hair. It is the reason so many of us have more migraines. Okay, back on track. What I am trying to say is that we ALL love J.T.!!!

At this point, I find it my duty as his big (not that way!) and oldest (not that old!) sister to help him with one of his last wishes. He wants our mother to be able to be home with him. No one can fill a mother's spot, no one. He wants her there, and I want to make that as possible as I can. She has run out of PTO (paid time off) and has no sick/vacation time as she has not been with her company long enough. 

If you would read the following, and help donate, even a dollar or two! Everything helps. Rent, bills, car payments, any of the odds and ends that J.T. may want or need, etc. It is helping out my baby brother, and my mother. They are my loves, my faves, and my family. I want them to both be able to have this time together. If you're unable to donate, pass this on to a friend, maybe they can, or they know someone who can donate! MUCH LOVE to everyone who has been apart of this entire process. Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, thank you :) 

J.T. is a sixteen year old young man. He is currently in extreme Congenital Heart Failure, because of his Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. He is a lover of the University of Utah football team, and his favorite player is Dres Anderson. He loves all of the guys on the team, and all of the coaches. If you have any questions concerning football, he is your guy. He has been blessed to have met some of the players, and the head coach, Kyle Whittingham. At this time we are asking for assistance in bringing together some funds so that his mother may be at his bedside, as it is one of his last wishes. J.T. is amazing, and we love him more than words can even attempt to say.
Also please be praying. PLEASE, PLEASE try and help. Thank you. You can donate at Wells Fargo under JT Nimmo or here" 

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